Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Rada's blessing 3 122945
Rada's blessing 2 122943
Rada's blessing 1 122941
Celastrus bark (Note) 122936
Celastrus bark 122935
White lily (Note) 122933
White lily 122932
Dragonfruit (Note) 122930
Dragonfruit 122929
White lily seed 122887
Kronos seed 122885
Iasor seed 122883
Attas seed 122881
Snape grass seed 122879
Dragonfruit tree seed 122877
Hespori seed 122875
Potato cactus seed 122873
Redwood tree seed 122871
Celastrus seed 122869
Dragonfruit sapling (Note) 122867
Dragonfruit sapling 122866
Dragonfruit seedling (w) 122864
Dragonfruit seedling 122862
Redwood sapling (Note) 122860
Redwood sapling 122859
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