Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Celastrus sapling (Note) 122857
Celastrus sapling 122856
Redwood seedling (w) 122854
Celastrus seedling (w) 122852
Redwood seedling 122850
Celastrus seedling 122848
Pearl fishing rod 122846
Pearl fly fishing rod 122844
Pearl barbarian rod 122842
Golden tench 122840
Fish sack 122838
Greater siren (Note) 122836
Greater siren 122835
Mottled eel (Note) 122833
Mottled eel 122832
Common tench (Note) 122830
Common tench 122829
Bluegill (Note) 122827
Bluegill 122826
Molch pearl 122820
Fish chunks 122818
Cormorant's glove 122817
Cormorant's glove 122816
Dragon knife 122814
Dragon knife 122812
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