Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Bonecrusher necklace 122986
Hydra leather (Note) 122984
Hydra leather 122983
Ferocious gloves 122981
Dragon hunter lance (Note) 122979
Dragon hunter lance 122978
Brimstone ring (Note) 122976
Brimstone ring 122975
Hydra's eye 122973
Hydra's fang 122971
Hydra's heart 122969
Hydra's claw (Note) 122967
Hydra's claw 122966
Broken dragon hasta (Note) 122964
Broken dragon hasta 122963
Drake's tooth (Note) 122961
Drake's tooth 122960
Drake's claw (Note) 122958
Drake's claw 122957
Devout boots (Note) 122955
Devout boots 122954
Boots of brimstone (Note) 122952
Boots of brimstone 122951
Battlefront teleport 122949
Rada's blessing 4 122947
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