Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Adamant platebody (h3) 123398
Adamant platebody (h2) (Note) 123396
Adamant platebody (h2) 123395
Adamant platebody (h1) (Note) 123393
Adamant platebody (h1) 123392
Spiked manacles (Note) 123390
Spiked manacles 123389
Watson teleport 123387
Leather chaps (g) (Note) 123385
Leather chaps (g) 123384
Leather body (g) (Note) 123382
Leather body (g) 123381
Black platebody (h5) (Note) 123379
Black platebody (h5) 123378
Black platebody (h4) (Note) 123376
Black platebody (h4) 123375
Black platebody (h3) (Note) 123373
Black platebody (h3) 123372
Black platebody (h2) (Note) 123370
Black platebody (h2) 123369
Black platebody (h1) (Note) 123367
Black platebody (h1) 123366
Staff of bob the cat (Note) 123364
Staff of bob the cat 123363
Ham joint (Note) 123361
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