Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Ham joint 123360
Rain bow (Note) 123358
Rain bow 123357
Amulet of power (t) (Note) 123355
Amulet of power (t) 123354
Cape of skulls (Note) 123352
Cape of skulls 123351
Tormented ornament kit (Note) 123349
Tormented ornament kit 123348
3rd age druidic cloak (Note) 123346
3rd age druidic cloak 123345
3rd age druidic staff (Note) 123343
3rd age druidic staff 123342
3rd age druidic robe bottoms (Note) 123340
3rd age druidic robe bottoms 123339
3rd age druidic robe top (Note) 123337
3rd age druidic robe top 123336
Rune scimitar 123334
Rune scimitar 123332
Rune scimitar 123330
Rune scimitar ornament kit (zamorak) (Note) 123328
Rune scimitar ornament kit (zamorak) 123327
Rune scimitar ornament kit (saradomin) (Note) 123325
Rune scimitar ornament kit (saradomin) 123324
Rune scimitar ornament kit (guthix) (Note) 123322
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