Forgotten Paradise Item Database
Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !
Item Name | Item ID |
123429 | |
123428 | |
123427 | |
123426 | |
123425 | |
123424 | |
123423 | |
123422 | |
123421 | |
123420 | |
123419 | |
123418 | |
Puzzle box (master) | 123417 |
Stash units (beginner) | 123416 |
Climbing boots (g) (Note) | 123414 |
Climbing boots (g) | 123413 |
Wolf cloak (Note) | 123411 |
Wolf cloak | 123410 |
Wolf mask (Note) | 123408 |
Wolf mask | 123407 |
Adamant platebody (h5) (Note) | 123405 |
Adamant platebody (h5) | 123404 |
Adamant platebody (h4) (Note) | 123402 |
Adamant platebody (h4) | 123401 |
Adamant platebody (h3) (Note) | 123399 |