Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Stamina potion(2) 123587
Stamina potion(3) (Note) 123586
Stamina potion(3) 123585
Stamina potion(4) (Note) 123584
Stamina potion(4) 123583
Saradomin brew(1) (Note) 123582
Saradomin brew(1) 123581
Saradomin brew(2) (Note) 123580
Saradomin brew(2) 123579
Saradomin brew(3) (Note) 123578
Saradomin brew(3) 123577
Saradomin brew(4) (Note) 123576
Saradomin brew(4) 123575
Super restore(1) (Note) 123574
Super restore(1) 123573
Super restore(2) (Note) 123572
Super restore(2) 123571
Super restore(3) (Note) 123570
Super restore(3) 123569
Super restore(4) (Note) 123568
Super restore(4) 123567
Sanfew serum(1) (Note) 123566
Sanfew serum(1) 123565
Sanfew serum(2) (Note) 123564
Sanfew serum(2) 123563
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