Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Armadyl crossbow (Note) 123612
Armadyl crossbow 123611
Ava's accumulator (Note) 123610
Ava's accumulator 123609
Imbued saradomin cape (Note) 123608
Imbued saradomin cape 123607
Imbued zamorak cape (Note) 123606
Imbued zamorak cape 123605
Imbued guthix cape (Note) 123604
Imbued guthix cape 123603
Rune crossbow (Note) 123602
Rune crossbow 123601
Spirit shield (Note) 123600
Spirit shield 123599
Dragon defender (Note) 123598
Dragon defender 123597
Berserker ring (Note) 123596
Berserker ring 123595
Barrows gloves (Note) 123594
Barrows gloves 123593
Helm of neitiznot (Note) 123592
Helm of neitiznot 123591
Stamina potion(1) (Note) 123590
Stamina potion(1) 123589
Stamina potion(2) (Note) 123588
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