Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Sanfew serum(3) (Note) 123562
Sanfew serum(3) 123561
Sanfew serum(4) (Note) 123560
Sanfew serum(4) 123559
Ranging potion(1) (Note) 123558
Ranging potion(1) 123557
Ranging potion(2) (Note) 123556
Ranging potion(2) 123555
Ranging potion(3) (Note) 123554
Ranging potion(3) 123553
Ranging potion(4) (Note) 123552
Ranging potion(4) 123551
Super combat potion(1) (Note) 123550
Super combat potion(1) 123549
Super combat potion(2) (Note) 123548
Super combat potion(2) 123547
Super combat potion(3) (Note) 123546
Super combat potion(3) 123545
Super combat potion(4) (Note) 123544
Super combat potion(4) 123543
Super energy(1) (Note) 123542
Super energy(2) (Note) 123541
Super energy(3) (Note) 123540
Super energy(4) (Note) 123539
Prayer potion(1) (Note) 123538
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