Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Torag's helm 123637
Verac's helm 123636
Verac's plateskirt 123635
Torag's platelegs 123634
Dharok's platelegs 123633
Karil's leathertop 123632
Heavy ballista (Note) 123631
Heavy ballista 123630
Ghrazi rapier (Note) 123629
Ghrazi rapier 123628
Kodai wand (Note) 123627
Kodai wand 123626
Seers ring (i) (Note) 123625
Seers ring (i) 123624
Infernal cape (Note) 123623
Infernal cape 123622
Statius's warhammer (Note) 123621
Statius's warhammer 123620
Morrigan's javelin 123619
Zuriel's staff (Note) 123618
Zuriel's staff 123617
Vesta's longsword (Note) 123616
Vesta's longsword 123615
Staff of the dead (Note) 123614
Staff of the dead 123613
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