Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Flyer (Note) 123671
Flyer 123670
Dragonstone armour set (Note) 123668
Dragonstone armour set 123667
Crystal acorn 123661
Crystal sapling 123659
Crystal seedling (w) 123657
Crystal seedling 123655
Occult necklace 123654
Ahrim's staff 123653
Mage's book 123652
Rune pouch (Note) 123651
Rune pouch 123650
Diamond bolts (e) 123649
Dragon javelin 123648
Bandos tassets (Note) 123647
Bandos tassets 123646
Eternal boots (Note) 123645
Eternal boots 123644
Blessed spirit shield (Note) 123643
Blessed spirit shield 123642
Amulet of fury (Note) 123641
Amulet of fury 123640
Dharok's helm 123639
Guthan's helm 123638
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