Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Clue scroll (hard) 123175
Clue scroll (hard) 123174
Puzzle box (hard) 123173
Clue scroll (hard) 123172
Puzzle box (hard) 123171
Clue scroll (hard) 123170
Clue scroll (hard) 123169
Clue scroll (hard) 123168
Clue scroll (hard) 123167
Clue scroll (easy) 123166
Clue scroll (easy) 123165
Clue scroll (easy) 123164
Clue scroll (easy) 123163
Clue scroll (easy) 123162
Clue scroll (easy) 123161
Clue scroll (easy) 123160
Clue scroll (easy) 123159
Clue scroll (easy) 123158
Clue scroll (easy) 123157
Clue scroll (easy) 123156
Clue scroll (easy) 123155
Clue scroll (easy) 123154
Clue scroll (easy) 123153
Clue scroll (easy) 123152
Clue scroll (easy) 123151
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