Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Dual sai (Note) 123207
Dual sai 123206
Bandos d'hide shield (Note) 123204
Bandos d'hide shield 123203
Armadyl d'hide shield (Note) 123201
Armadyl d'hide shield 123200
Ancient d'hide shield (Note) 123198
Ancient d'hide shield 123197
Zamorak d'hide shield (Note) 123195
Zamorak d'hide shield 123194
Saradomin d'hide shield (Note) 123192
Saradomin d'hide shield 123191
Guthix d'hide shield (Note) 123189
Guthix d'hide shield 123188
Ring of 3rd age (Note) 123186
Ring of 3rd age 123185
Mimic 123184
Strange device 123183
Clue scroll (beginner) 123182
Clue scroll (hard) 123181
Clue scroll (hard) 123180
Clue scroll (hard) 123179
Clue scroll (hard) 123178
Clue scroll (hard) 123177
Clue scroll (hard) 123176
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