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Reward History

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    5* Rewards

    Black Santa Hat Black Santa Hat
    Santa Hat Santa Hat
    Party Hats Partyhats
    Bunny Ears Bunny Ears
    Sled Sled
    Hween Masks Hween Masks and many more...

    4* Rewards

    PvP Armour and Weapons Chaotic, Korasi, Saradomin
    Torva, Pernix, Armadyl, Bandos Torva, Pernix, Armadyl, Bandos, Virtus
    Staff of Light, Zaryte Bow, Vine Whip Staff of Light, Zaryte Bow, Vine Whip
    Divine, Elysian, Arcane, Spectral Spirit Shields Divine, Elysian, Arcane, Spectral Spirit Shields
    Ragefire, Glaiven, Steadfast Boots Ragefire, Glaiven, Steadfast Boots
    Hween Masks Dragon Claws and many more...

    3* Rewards

    PvP Armour and Weapons PvP Armour and Weapons
    Barrows Armour and Weapons Barrows Armour and Weapons
    Supplies Supplies
    Rings Rings
    Double EXP Scroll Double EXP Scroll
    Abyssal Whip Abyssal Whip and many more...