Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Mysterious orb 123069
Treasure scroll 123068
Treasure scroll 123067
Jar of chemicals (Note) 123065
Jar of chemicals 123064
Nest box (seeds) 123062
Mystic boots (dusk) (Note) 123060
Mystic boots (dusk) 123059
Mystic gloves (dusk) (Note) 123057
Mystic gloves (dusk) 123056
Mystic robe bottom (dusk) (Note) 123054
Mystic robe bottom (dusk) 123053
Mystic robe top (dusk) (Note) 123051
Mystic robe top (dusk) 123050
Mystic hat (dusk) (Note) 123048
Mystic hat (dusk) 123047
Clue scroll (medium) 123046
Clue scroll (hard) 123045
Sulphur lizard 123043
Hydra 123042
Drake 123041
Wyrm 123040
Boots of stone (Note) 123038
Boots of stone 123037
Old notes 123035
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