Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Grym potion (unf) 123881
Water-filled vial 123880
Vial 123879
Phren bark 123878
Crystal ore 123877
Linum tirinum 123876
Grym leaf 123875
Paddlefish 123874
Burnt fish 123873
Raw paddlefish 123872
Weapon frame 123871
Crystal orb 123870
Crystalline bowstring 123869
Crystal spike 123868
Crystal dust 123867
Crystal shards 123866
Pestle and mortar 123865
Crystal harpoon 123864
Crystal pickaxe 123863
Crystal axe 123862
Crystal sceptre 123861
Gauntlet cape 123859
Corrupted teleport crystal 123858
Corrupted bow (perfected) 123857
Corrupted bow (attuned) 123856
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