Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Twisted hat (t2) 124397
Twisted cane 124395
Twisted boots (t3) 124393
Twisted trousers (t3) 124391
Twisted coat (t3) 124389
Twisted hat (t3) 124387
Twisted bronze trophy 124384
Twisted iron trophy 124382
Twisted steel trophy 124380
Twisted mithril trophy 124378
Twisted adamant trophy 124376
Twisted rune trophy 124374
Twisted dragon trophy 124372
Twisted slayer helmet 124370
Cabbage 124367
Scroll box (master) 124366
Scroll box (elite) 124365
Scroll box (hard) 124364
Scroll box (medium) 124363
Scroll box (easy) 124362
Scroll box (beginner) 124361
Bounty hunter hat (tier 6) 124348
Bounty hunter hat (tier 5) 124346
Bounty hunter hat (tier 4) 124344
Bounty hunter hat (tier 3) 124342
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