Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Magical pumpkin 124977
Headless head 124975
Cabbage 124973
Cabbage 124971
Ice plateau teleport 124963
Catherby teleport 124961
Fishing guild teleport 124959
Khazard teleport 124957
Barbarian teleport 124955
Waterbirth teleport 124953
Ourania teleport 124951
Moonclan teleport 124949
Hallowed sack 124946
Sourhog foot 124944
Reinforced goggles 124942
Bp obj 124941
Marlo's crate 124940
Waxwood plank 124939
Waxwood log 124938
Mahogany cupboard 124937
Teak cupboard 124936
Oak cupboard 124935
Wooden cupboard 124934
Mahogany chair 124933
Teak chair 124932
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