Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Trailblazer rug (Note) 125097
Trailblazer rug 125096
Trailblazer globe (Note) 125094
Trailblazer globe 125093
Trailblazer tool ornament kit (Note) 125091
Trailblazer tool ornament kit 125090
Trailblazer teleport scroll (Note) 125088
Trailblazer teleport scroll 125087
Graceful boots 125086
Graceful boots 125084
Graceful gloves 125083
Graceful gloves 125081
Graceful legs 125080
Graceful legs 125078
Graceful top 125077
Graceful top 125075
Graceful cape 125074
Graceful cape 125072
Graceful hood 125071
Graceful hood 125069
Infernal axe (or) 125066
Infernal pickaxe (or) 125063
Infernal harpoon (or) 125059
Trailblazer banner (Note) 125057
Trailblazer banner 125056
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