Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Dharok's greataxe 125516
Dharok's platebody 125515
Banana cape 125502
Cursed banana 125500
Clue scroll (elite) 125499
Clue scroll (elite) 125498
Crystal legs (beta) 125497
Crystal body (beta) 125496
Crystal helm (beta) 125495
Black d'hide vambraces (beta) 125494
Black d'hide chaps (beta) 125493
Black d'hide body (beta) 125492
Toxic blowpipe (beta - dragon) 125491
Toxic blowpipe (beta - rune) 125490
Toxic blowpipe (beta - adamant) 125489
Toxic blowpipe (beta - mithril) 125488
Toxic blowpipe (beta - black) 125487
Toxic blowpipe (beta - steel) 125486
Toxic blowpipe (beta - iron) 125485
Toxic blowpipe (beta - bronze) 125484
Runescroll of bloodbark (Note) 125482
Runescroll of bloodbark 125481
Runescroll of swampbark (Note) 125479
Runescroll of swampbark 125478
Bloody notes 125476
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