Forgotten Paradise Item Database

Here you can find all the items that we have in our database, if you find any cool items feel free to suggest us to add into the game. Enjoy browsing !

Item Name Item ID
Amethyst dart(p+) 125855
Amethyst dart tip 125853
Amethyst dart(p) 125851
Amethyst dart 125849
Blue egg sac 125846
Orange egg sac 125844
Sraracha 125843
Sraracha 125842
Banana hat 125840
Parasitic egg 125838
Slepey tablet 125837
Little parasite 125836
Raw boar meat (Note) 125834
Raw boar meat 125833
Shayzia military orders 125831
Old note 125829
Lizardkicker (Note) 125827
Lizardkicker 125826
Research notes 125824
Protest banner 125822
Antique lamp 125820
Book of the dead 125818
Royal accord of twill 125817
Shayzien journal 125816
Dark nullifier 125815
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