Boss Hiscores

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Sagittare kills - Page 4

Player Name KIll Count
76 Iron 2099 12
77 Rick13588 12
78 Xd 12
79 Z 12
80 Simmo 12
81 Markisek 12
82 Archangel777 12
83 Rawrsumm 12
84 Onlyfans 12
85 Mf Doom 12
86 7 7 7 12
87 Supply Man 12
88 Sarena 12
89 Ace 12
90 Tymin 12
91 Axio 12
92 Stepsister 10
93 Lukass 10
94 I Q 9
95 Iron Ia 9
96 Cajun Pasta 8
97 Demonsouls 6
98 Ekk 5
99 Im The Best1 5
100 Coyote Iron 5

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Top Boss Kills

Player Name KIll Count
1 dr dogood 12,043
2 ripcord   Admin 11,056
3 cosmickhan 9,779
4 barend 9,777
5 E 8,683
6 the killer38 6,605
7 new folder 6,447
8 cryptocrown 5,790
9 tyler 5,026
10 KityPower 4,981